Harry’s Road Trip to Valhalla
is a classic New Zealand road trip story. Old Harry hasn’t enjoyed the best of reputations: a former foreign correspondent with a love of whiskey and gambling, he sets out to redeem himself by taking his grandson, Brad, on a road trip while Brad’s parents are on a forced leave of absence.
Despite Harry’s best intentions to take good care of his grandson, the road trip only confirms the parents' worst fears. But in the end, a lesson lived is a lesson learned, and the road trip goes a long way to exorcising familiar demons.
is a classic New Zealand road trip story. Old Harry hasn’t enjoyed the best of reputations: a former foreign correspondent with a love of whiskey and gambling, he sets out to redeem himself by taking his grandson, Brad, on a road trip while Brad’s parents are on a forced leave of absence.
Despite Harry’s best intentions to take good care of his grandson, the road trip only confirms the parents' worst fears. But in the end, a lesson lived is a lesson learned, and the road trip goes a long way to exorcising familiar demons.